
chao 2019-4-7 10:12 CentOS&Ubuntu 抢沙发 1752IT人生

Ubuntu Linux install Gnome desktop on server

First you need to update packages, run the apt command or apt-get command:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Update Ubuntu Linux server using apt-get command

How To install GNOME in Ubuntu Linux

There are two ways to install Gnome desktop on an Ubuntu Linux:

  1. tasksel command: tasksel shows all available tasks and allows to user to select ones to install such as Gnome 3 desktop.
  2. apt or apt-get command: You can directly run command to install the entire desktop.

Install Gnome 3 (gnome-shell) on Ubuntu 18.04/18.10 using tasksel

You can choose to install one or more of the predefined collections of software such as Kubuntu, Ubuntu desktop or LAMP server. Install tasksel as follows:
$ sudo apt install tasksel
Run tasksel as follows:
$ sudo tasksel
Ubuntu Linux install Gnome desktop on server using tasksel
Make sure you select required group (such as Ubuntu desktop) by pressing space bar followed by OK button.

Tip: Full GNOME desktop installation on Ubuntu Linux using tasksel

Run the following command:
sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop
How to install Gnome on Ubuntu Bionic Beaver Linux Server

How to install GNOME on Ubuntu using apt-get

You can search for desktop package using the apt command or apt-cache command:
$ apt-cache search ubuntu-desktop
$ apt search ubuntu-desktop
Search for Ubuntu desktop system packages using apt-cache
To install the Ubuntu desktop system (gnome 3), run:
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
OR use transitional package name for Gnome 3 desktop:
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop
Run the following to install Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system (kde):
$ sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop
Want Lubuntu Desktop environment?, Try:
$ sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop
Execute the following command to install Xubuntu desktop system:
$ sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop

How to check status of gdm

GDM is a gnome desktop manager that allows to login into your deskop. Check status with the following systemct command:
$ systemctl status gdm
systemctl gdm status output

Gnome desktop in action

My default desktop running on Ubuntu Linux 18.10:
Running gnome desktop on my server
Ubuntu Linux Desktop 2


Congratulations. You successfully installed Gnome 3 desktop on Ubuntu Linux server. To access remote Ubuntu Linux desktop you need to use the vnc client. For more info 


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